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andrewvial film productions logo  News - please scroll down page to view earlier news items

Hospital Drill
370. September 2024
Hospital Essential Equipment Tests
Hospitals test new equipment and methods for recovering fallen patients.
Andrew Vial in a stunt fall acted a patient who fainted.

Masked Concern
369. September 2024
Death in a Heartbeat
A film aboput a person who has psychic knowledge of the number of hearbeats left to all his aquaintances was made with Andrew Vial acting a patient approaching termination.
Highjinks on the Metro
368. September 2024
Highjinks on the Metro
Commuters were finally able to ride under the Sydney Harbour on the new City Metro - while kids tried hanging from hand grips.

367. September 2024
New Age Poet Collaboration
Andrew Vial as an Israeli opposite a Palestinian (Edward L) performed a rap music song "Things I've Done" about Middle-Eastern conflict.

To Camera
366. August 2024
NMN and Resveratrol Anti-aging
Andrew Vial promoted the benefits of NMN and Resveratrol supplements in a testimonial
These products are used to reverse age related illnesses.

Financial Promotion
365. August 2024
SBS Doco Shoot
Insight program. The host discusses an economic and social issue with an expert panel.

364. August 2024
'Revenge Of The Heiress'
Andrew Vial acted a powerful business executive in a TV Series centered around a fictional Mafia family.

The Steps
363. August 2024
'Lady Of The Steps'
Director Tom Cowan used Andrew Vial and Masai Iwasaki as the lead actors of a TV Series 'Lady Of The Steps'.

362. July 2024
'Singin' with Louie'
In a nineteen forties diner, Andrew Vial sang along with Louie Armstrong, 'St. James Infirmary' while some heavey drinkers watched on.

Benito Barber
361. July 2024
'Benito The Barber''
A comedy skit written by Greg Kampas featured Andrew Vial as a stereo-typical Italian barber.

Family Scene
360. July 2024
'They Persist' - Film
Director and Master of research Lachlan Salvestro shot and an existential queer drama 'They Persist'.
Andrew Vial played the grandfather to the star, Lex Whitbourne.

359. June 2024
Filming for a Catholic Healthcare and Optus coproduction was completed with Andrew Vial acting an important aged resident.

358. June 2024
Tourist Information
Andrew Vial featured in a documentary showcasing the wonderful Barangaroo Harbourside reserve, in central Sydney.

LLM Training
357. June 2024
Improving Driving Safety
Several cameras positioned around the vehicle, captured microscopic facial changes while the driver was being distracted by events and conversations.

356. June 2024
Two Hander Short
A tiny crew of just five was used to shoot 'Cake Day' a two hander film for Syndey University. Andrew Vial and Annaliese Heber were the performers.

Card Games
355. May 2024
Palliative Care
Actors, Christine Snell and Andrew Vial were portrayed as residents of a health care facility.
The film is for training and educational purposes.

354. April 2024
Billionaire Family Head
Andrew Vial played the patriarch of an extremely wealthy family in a feature film shot for an American release.


353. April 2024
Social Media Adverts
Andew Vial was used to demonstrate new side zip shoes marketed by Every Human.
The innovative shoes zip close horizontally

UAE Film Producer
352. April 2024
UAE Producer Meeting
A connection was made with the Abu Dabi Film Department of the UAE Government.
An Arabic film was screened with an Andrew Vial film, at Kino Kabaret.

351. April 2024
'It Takes Two To Tango'
An episode of a short fim series, around a ganster family was produced, with Andrew Vial acting the wedding Pastor.

Sophie and Marilyn
350. February 2024
Film Critics Circle
At the Annual Film Critics Circle of Australia Awards actors, producers and industry people met stars, Sophie Wilde, Natasha Wanganeen, Ivan Sen and many others.

Between takes
349. February 2024
RSL Care Shoot
Andrew Vial was used in a short documentary showing how facilities and improved lifestyle help elderly people in retirement.

348. February 2024
Directing/Acting Masterclass
As part of Jaipur International Film Festival 2024 Andrew Vial was asked to give a masterclass.
Several Indian filmmakers and students attended.

347. February 2024
Lifetime Achievement Awards
Andrew Vial was invited by the Indian government to present lifetime achievement awards to two film celebrities; M D Soni and actor Kamini Kaushal.

Online Scammer
346. February 2024
Flickerfest - Best Oz Short
'Blind Bargain' a film where Andrew Vial acted a ruthless scammer, had its world premiere at Flickfest to an audience of three hundred people.

Dramatic Acting
345. January 2024
Bollywood Musical
Sydney's Western suburbs hosted a Bollywood crew shooting a Hindu Feature film.
Andrew Vial had a small acting role.

344. December 2023
Director Of Theatre Play
A play set aboard a sinking liner 'The Last Ten Minutes' was directed and acted in, by Andrew Vial.
Performance was Crash Test Finals 2023.

Graham Shirley Interviewer
343. December 2023
Oral History Collection
Andrew Vial was invited to record a podcast of his career in filmmaking.
This archive is now incorporated into official Australian Film History by the National Film And Sound Archive.

342. November 2023
Assisting Opera
Australian Opera Awards Christmas Cocktail Gala, was held to raise funds for singers to travel and study.

Comedy Cast
341. November 2023
Penpal Comedy Film
'Penpal' was created as a reference to big budget super-hero movies.
Andrew Vial acted a frustrated and comedic businessman.

Checking Water Quality
340. October 2023
Disaster Action Plan
A government produced film about disaster preparation was shot in locations around Sydney's northern beaches.
Andrew Vial acted an elderly resident being relocated by emergency services.

Tracking Camera
339. October 2023
Visual Affects
Escaping an Australian distopian future through Virtual Reality therapy.
Andrew Vial acted a utopian character in contrast to the depressing reality.

338. September 2023
Aust. Pioneers of Cinema
The Swissotel, Sydney was the venue for cinema pioneers meeting and luncheon.
Film industry luminaries attended, including Andrew Vial.

Nostalgic memmories
337. September 2023
'The Bench'
Robert Tielenberg as 'Mark' starred with Andrew Vial as 'Len' in 'The Bench', a movie that highlighted friendships from kindergarten to old age.

Breathing difficulty
336. September 2023
Respiratory Conditions
Acting in a medical documentary as a respiratory patient, Andrew Vial performed in specified country versions for world distribution.

Setting up crane
335. August 2023
'Hearts On Fire' Music
A music video of the Zane Banks Band was produced at a childrens picnic with actor Andrew Vial.

Actors preparing
334. August 2023
Live Multimedia Screenplay
Andrew Vial played the voices for several famous characters such as Gregory Peck, in a filmed screenplay read of 'Mallee Boy, A Life In Movies'

333. July 2023
Promoting Mental Health
Andrew Vial played the best friend of the star 'Karl (Darrell Hoffman)' in a film for release in Australia, UK, NZ and Ireland.

332. July 2023
Developing Australian Theatre
The Meraki Bar, Darlinghurst programmed plays by theatre actors and writers.
Andrew Vial performed in 'Lest We Forget'.

331. July 2023
New Poetry Performance Space
Mosman Library Service initiated a new performance venue. Andrew Vial shared the stage for the opening of 'Monday Matters'.

330. June 2023
'Monk Calling' the long awaited sequel to 'Monk' was shot at Barangaroo in Sydney. Andrew Vial reprised his role as the Bhuddist Monk and Kirk Hastings furthered his, as John Cash.

329. June 2023
Retirement Photoshoot
Producer Laura Midalia staged a film and photoshoot advert for a retirement living client.
Andew Vial acted a client enjoying home-style cooking.

Scammer at work
328. June 2023
'Blind Bargain' Film
Andrew Vial played an online scammer operating from a cramped garage in this film, Directed by Mr. Tosh.

Winning Actor
327. May 2023
Crash Test Drama Rebirth
After three years absence Crash Test Drama returned.
Andrew vial acted 'Desire' in the play alongside Ursula Dauenhauer.

Twisted body pit
326. May 2023
Holocaust Film Produced
'The Method' was shot both digitally and on Super 16, with Andrew Vial and Kylie Adams-Collier acting flashback scenes.
Producer was Farabee Kabir Director, Oren Lavie.

325. May 2023
Filming 'A Proper Wife'
A Newcastle shoot had Andrew Vial acting the detective in a case where a man had mysteriously disappeared.
His wife acted by Allison Winship works hard to deflect his suspicion of her involvement.

324. February 2023
Recording Journey Of Life
The song 'Journey Of Life' was written and performed by Andrew Vial at Sound Of Vim Studio - Sydney, with Edmond Ng stage manager.

Watchtower Warden
323. January 2023
Post Motel - Feature Film
A major role in an independently made Sci-Fi feature film was acted by Andrew Vial.
It used elaborate sets and was produced, directed and written by Rory Greenaway.

Attaching camera to Actor
322. December 2022
Experimental Film
Andrew Vial worked pro-bono on the student film 'Baby Brown' following a long association with Rasmus Callmer (DOP turned Director).(

Spy rehersal
321. December 2022
Tailored Team Building
Andrew Vial played an under-cover agent with information about a kidnapping.
This simulation was a Corporate training event.
320. December 2022
TV Crime Series
Channel Nine used Andrew Vial as a Judge in a popular crime re-enactment series, shot at the Old Police and Law Museum, in Sydney.
footage review
Footage review
319. December 2022
'The Fox' Music video
Sydney Creative Studios was used by Andrew Vial to perform a music video 'The Fox'.
Key personnel were, Stephen Rogan (D.O.P.), John Luna (Editor) and Chris Hale (Illustrator).
cinema pioneers
Cinema pioneers
318. November 2022
89th Annual Dinner
Many famous pioneers of the Australian Film industry came together for this dinner.
Andrew Vial, Film director and Actor, was a participant.
with convenor
With convenor
317. November 2022
'Urban Stories' Performance
The film 'Wind and Leaves' had its premiere screening at Blacktown Arts Centre.
Also included in the program was a light show and musical interlude.
priest and singer
Priest and Singer
316. November 2022
'Judgement Day' Trailer
Stand-up comedian Frenchy used Andrew Vial as an antagonistic priest in a video promoting his forthcoming world comedy tour.
315. November 2022
'A Loose Hanging Thread'
A son's search for information about his biological father (played by Andrew Vial) stars Hugo Karte.
The film uses voice-over extensively to show his painful feelings.
superstar tribute
Superstar tribute
314. November 2022
London Australian Presentation
In a tribute to the late Superstar David Gulpilil London Australian Film Festival is showing Andrew Vial's 'No Bag Limit' fifty years on from its premiere at the London Film Festival.
recording water boiling
Recording water boiling
313. October 2022
Filming Poetry
A Japanese haiku poem was translated from Turkish into English and filmed with Andrew Vial acting the part of an old fisherman.
312. October 2022
Pain Assessment Tool
Andrew Vial was used to model a pain assessment method which uses AI to record micro-facial features of pain.
It complements the numerical rating scale self-reported pain level standard.
cast and crew
Cast and crew
311. October 2022
'Fire Drill'
A group of executives are trapped when a routine fire drill happens.
Andrew Vial acted a cat-obsessed manager who initiates a final escape from the office.
mountain tunnel
Mountain tunnel
310. September 2022
Filming in Tahiti
Andrew Vial filmed in Tahiti using footage from a four wheel drive adventure.
The short documentary highlights the change in climate from Papeete on the coast, to the high interior mountains.
309. September 2022
Parade Theatre Premiere
Andrew and co-star Michelle Randall attended the premiere of 'The Job I Took' by Sophisticated Dingo.
308. August 2022
Cinema Pioneers
After a two year absence due to Covid the annual Cinema Pioneers Dinner was held in Sydney.
Andrew Vial photographed icons of the Australian Film industry.
french theme
French Theme
307. August 2022
Poetry Performance
A tribute to Edith Piaff at Donbank Museum was accompanied by Andrew Vial performing 'Stunted Snowgum' about the creation of Baw Baw Ski Resort in Australia.
306. August 2022
N.I.D.A. Acting
Andrew Vial teamed up with the National Institure of Dramaric Arts and Triple Jay radio station to act in 'Sophisticated Dingo' music film.
Band members were Lewis Matte (Guitar) and James Medley (Vocals).
305. August 2022
'Two Lovers & Yellow Bike''
Andrew Vial acted Percy McDonald, an artist and drug addict who dies and is found in his car beside the ocean.
Producer/director was William Cattell.
304. July 2022
'Femur' Showcase Presentation
Actor Andrew Vial, director Jesse Duna and producer Clinton Gill were presented at a screening of 'Femur' in the JMC Academy Auditorium.
303. July 2022
'The Experiment' - Film
Doctor Luzius - Andrew Vial, experiments with nature to improve the eyesight of his patient - Keith Strib, in 'The Experiment'. The film was produced and directed by William Wong.
cricketer macgill
Cricketer MacGill
302. June 2022
Channel Seven - Spotlight Series
The amazing prime-time episode detailing the kidnap ordeal of cricketing great Stuart MacGill, used Andrew Vial acting in the restaurant re-enactment scene.
film promotion
Film promotion
301. June 2022
Make It Australian
Sydney Film Festival 2022 used the lower Town Hall 'Hub' to promote 'Make It Australian'.
Tony Burke - Federal Minister for the Arts, officially launched the campaign.
dance rehersal
Dance rehersal
300. June 2022
KINO Kabaret Challenge '22'
Several films were made in the 48 hour film making challenge. Ranging from an old style diner dance routine, to a B&W silent comic film.
requesting help
Requesting help
299. June 2022
Pensioner Care Concerns
Pensioners who are abused by carers - often family members - causes problems for Government services. Andew Vial acted a man living in this condition.
recorder purchase
Recorder purchase
298. May 2022
'Late Dinner' - VHS Bliss
Mr. Noah - Andrew Vial - buys a used VHS recorder from Jay to view old tapes.
This makes Jay change his attitude in life.
suprise find
Suprise find
297. May 2022
Substance abuse - 'Ounces To Pounds'
This film had Andrew Vial as a cop who sees a packet of marijuana unexpectedly land by him, thrown from the next toilet cubicle.
outwardly happy
Outwardly happy
296. May 2022
Tragic Situation
'Forget Me Not' a continuing film about the tragedy of dimentia - this time Andrew's screen wife - unable to function and understand her situation.
mayoral ceremony
Mayoral Ceremony
295. May 2022
Chinese Peace Declaration - Film
Andrew Vial acted the lead role of 'Mayor' in a film by Chinese filmmakers, shot in Sydney.
It questions the morality of unity and justice in society.
294. May 2022
Aimbig Employment
Aimbig, a national innovative disability and mental health service provider, used Andrew Vial as a model, to launch their newest website.
pay station
Pay station
293. May 2022
'My Life' - Feel Good Story
Andrew Vial acted a driver who gets free fuel from a stranger. He pays her back, which results in her getting a new job, for her kindness.
on location
On location
292. May 2022
Music Video - Kirin Callinan
Andrew Vial acted in a music video shot at the beautiful and historic Waverley Cemetary.
Featured musician was Kirin Callinan.
police search
Police search
291. April 2022
'Believe Me' Film
A film about an average suburban male who witnessed a violent attack, then grew to doubt what he saw.
Andrew Vial acted as the building manager who, along with the police, was suspicious.
office workers
Office workers
290. April 2022
Campaign Against Racism
A TVC and online advertisment highlighting racist behaviour was produced for a government agency. Andrew Vial was one of five actors used to create the scenario.
tourist tvc
Tourist TVC
289. April 2022
ACT Government Shoot
A low key promotion of Canberra's tourist attractions was made with Andrew Vial enjoying a 'Red Bus' ride around Canberra.
heated discussion
Heated discussion
288. April 2022
'Forget Me Not'
A deeply sentimental film on family fragility and death, starred Chloe, Petrell and Andrew Vial.
287. April 2022
'Super Rosa' - Feature Film
Rasmus Callmer - Cinematographer on 'Ocean Blue' 2017 starring Andrew Vial currently shooting 'Super Rosa' in Sydney, in which Andrew also acts.
original look
Original look
286. April 2022
Website Icon Update
The VCCP Agency image of Andrew Vial speed-skating has been replaced.
The new image is a performance photo of Andrew in formal attire.
character voices
Character voices
285. March 2022
Cartoon Style Voice Over
Joshua Belinfante used a cartoon voice of Andrew Vial for the 'Burger Father' character, in his 'Million Dollar Burger' animation film.
284. March 2022
Sushi Bar - TV Comedy
Andrew Vial acted in the latest series of a TV comedy show, set in a Japanese Sushi restaurant.
283. March 2022
Sydney Opera House promo
In an early morning advertising shoot, Andrew Vial acted a German tourist in a guided tour of the famous Sydney Opera House.
dracula guests
Dracula guests
282. March 2022
Make Me Famous
A music video of Samuel Wellings (stage name; Kim Dracula) shot in the iconic State Theatre, Sydney, featured Andrew Vial and Helen Lennie as wedding guests.
tina with butler and maid
Tina with butler and maid
281. February 2022
Tina Rez - Music Video
A new music video has Andrew Vial acting a staid butler who then goes into a crazy dance to the singing of Tina Rez.
The song is 'I'm So Fine' directed by Amy Louisee.
280. February 2022
World Wide Exposure
Viral Stories - maker of '75-Year-Old Came To Car Dealership' is achieving huge numbers of viewers on YouTube. Andrew Vial played the pivotal role.
blind faith
Blind Faith
279. February 2022
'Femur' - Short film
In a continuation of his earlier surreal film 'Hipocampus' Jesse Duna used Andrew Vial as a blind man trying to see the 'Light of Heaven'.
278. February 2022
Mystery/Murder - Comedy
Lachlan Macmahon's film 'At The Wake' has a top cast.
Andrew Vial plays the long standingg friend of Ian, who is determined to get his hands on money, from his deceased sisters will.
277. January 2022
'Strange Country' Award
Andrew Vial congratulated Tyson Perkins for winning the, John Barry, Best Cinematography award for 'Strange Country' by Rhys Day, a film in which Vial did some ADR work on.
276. January 2022
Fable Film - 'Viral Story''
Andrew Vial played the caricature role of a derelict buying a car for his wife.
The film was made for Moroccan television.
275. December 2021
Gulpilil Passing
Andrew Vial provided Australian television stations historic footage and stills of the late David Gulpilil from many short films that he had made with his friend, the world famous actor. One image was projected onto the Sydney Opera House in tribute.
274. December 2021
Orchestral Film Scoring
Musical teachers from both the Conservatorium and AFTRS formed an orchestra to score the film 'Weightless' which Andrew Vial acted in.
273. December 2021
Advance Publicity
Andrew Vial acted in the trailer promotion of the world premiere theatre production 'Museum Of Modern Love' showing at Sydney Festival 2022.
It was inspired by performance artist, Marina Abramovic.

272. December 2021
Product Promoter
Embracing the role of a shopping centre promoter, Andew Vial demonstrates ironing two shirts at once, with a new consumer steam iron.
pastor frank
Pastor Frank
271. December 2021
'Bring Us Together'
Justin Lee created this film about cult religions with Andsrew Vial acting Pastor Frank, who presides over macbre child baptisms.
taxi discussion
Taxi discussion
270. December 2021
'The Monk'
Andrew Vial played a taxi driving monk who impresses a ruthless businessman by quoting Bhudda. "Those who are free from resentful thoughts, surely find peace."
ocean blue film
Ocean Blue film
269. November 2021
Asia Pacific Film Festival 2021
As head delegate for Sydney, Australia, Andrew Vial was requested to select short films and feature length movies for the Covid-affected Beijing edition of APFF Dec, 2021.
268. November 2021
'Bally Boy' Music Video
Andrew Vial acted the Judge in a new music video shot at the historic Police Museum in Sydney.
Herbert Leota directed, with Aman Sharma, Producer.
newspaper item
Newspaper item
267. November 2021
Daily Telegraph News Article
An article highlighting Australian Hospital waiting times for elective surgery, featured Andrew Vial as an ex-champion Speed Ice Skater.
266. November 2021
'Svengali' Film
Andrew Vial acted a cashed-up real estate investor at a Sydney prestige house auction, for This Is Badlands Pty Ltd, film; 'Svengali'.
265. October 2021
'Weightless' Visual Poem'
A visual poem conceived by Cinematographer Joanna Cameron featured Andew Vial floating, as a metaphor for support and healing in nature.
on set
On set
264. September 2021
Reality Show for Warner Bros
A Fox Studio Sydney shoot for a new TV show had Andrew Vial in an acting role. The program featuring many celebrities, is due for release in 2022..
263. Spetember 2021
Gardening Secateurs Testimonial
In a nationwide video, Andrew Vial as an avid gardener, was used to promote a new product - KLEVA Pruners.
olympics 2000
Olympics 2000
262. July 2021
Tokyo Olympics - Sydney Memories
Andrew Vial performed a dance routine at the Olympics 2000. The Tokyo closing ceremony during Covid restrictions revived fond memories.
board meeting
Board meeting
261. June 2021
Australian/Iranian Film
Iranian actor Najmeh Shoara starred in 'A Sunny Day' film, directed by Madjid Alaei.
Andrew Vial played the role of a Sydney Council manager.
covid campaign
Covid campaign
260. June 2021
'Arm Yourself' Govt Advert
The Australian Government's concerted effort to speed up Covid-19 vaccinations used Andrew Vial for print and media national exposure.
259. June 2021
'Brush' Dir/Prod Liam Short
Andrew Vial stars as a demented man who regresses through a bewildering world, into isolation.
258. June 2021
Macquarie Film Fest - Win
'Doldrums' starring Andrew Vial and produced by Elise Bradley won best film, best Director, best Editing and best Actor at Macquarie University Film Festival at its premiere against twenty five other films.
family drama
Family Drama
257. June 2021
Story OF Nadia
Andrew Vial played 'Uncle Bill' in the feature film family drama 'The Story Of Nadia' written and produced by Toufic Saadeh, directed by Billy El Kaddour.
entering booth
Entering booth
256. May 2021
Body Image Collection
A company which provides data for AI machine learning used Andrew Vial inside a booth to collect body images from precisely positioned cameras.
the gamblers
The Gamblers
255. May 2021
Bloodstock Film Shoot
Andrew Vial played 'Vince' a man who gets news of his terminal condition, while others gambled on his life expectancy..
blending in
Blending in
254. May 2021
Print Brochure Advertisement
Four antiquated actors enjoyed a day blending in with residents of an aged care home for a print advertising brochure.
before and afters
Before and afters
253. April 2021
Artifacts Created
Real photographs of Andrew Vial from the past were photoshopped as back-story items for the character of Martin the sailor, in 'Doldrums'.
production still
Production still
252. April 2021
'Doldrums' Film Produced
A film about a retired racing sailor's inevitable move to a nursing home was made.
Andrew Vial played the lead role of Martin, and his reluctant move into Aged Care.
camera setup
Camera setup
251. March 2021
Driver Fatigue Video
Andrew Vial acted as a driver in a program using AI to create a database on driver fatigue.
Cameras inside the car relayed data to a high level computer.
alternating roles
Alternating roles
250. March 2021
Uni Student Director Exams
Andrew Vial was requested as a professional actor for student direction practice.
The students were assessed in Directing talent, as part of their screen and media course.
249. March 2021
Campaign Recognises Malnourishment
Thousands of Australians are unaware that they are malnourished.
This campaign used six actors of different demographics to show the range of malnurtrition. Andrew Vial represented older males.

band member
Band member
248. February 2021
'The Empire Strips Back''
The worldwide release on February 19th, 2021 of 'The Empire Strips Back - Holiday Special' featured Andrew Vial in the musical video 'The Prince Of The Night'.
tied up and caged
Tied up and caged
247. February 2021
Psychopathic Farmer
The final location for 'The Wrong Ned' was a farm in Bulli, NSW.
Andrew Vial played Ned, a psychopathic kidnapper.
unit base
Unit base
246. February 2021
TV Series Season Three
The leafy suburbs of Sydney were used to shoot scenes for a significant television production.
Andrew Vial acted the role of an aged nursing home resident.
between takes
Between takes
245. February 2021
'The Wrong Ned'
Andrew Vial played Ned, an extremely nasty stalker and kidnapper in the film 'The Wrong Ned'. This is the seventh feature film produced and directed by James Trimboli.
calling for help
Calling for help
244. January 2021
Aged Care TVC
A television commercial requesting more staff for aged care homes was produced with Andrew Vial acting the role of a resident. The plea was directed to the current Prime Minister, Scott Morrison.
leigh vial
Leigh Vial
243. January 2021
'Officer & Kiap' Film
The story Liegh 'Golden Voice' Vial, a second World War hero of both Australian and American troops is being produced.
Liegh's younger brother Colonel R.R. Vial is also featured.
242. January 2021
Naked World Podcast
Andrew Vial was interviewed by Jaimie and Aspasia Leonarder for a podcast about his film directing and acting history.
The podcast runs seventy three minutes.
241. December 2020
Experimental Zoom Table Read
Andrew Vial was requested to narrate the play "In Bed" which is a fictional account of the use of beds by some famous people.
The characters included Andy Warhol, Yoko Ono and John Lennon. Playwright was Katrina Samaras.
reception scene
Reception Scene
240. December 2020
Luxury Retirement Living
Andrew Vial with three other models enjoyed working in a luxury retirement living facility while acting in a TVC and print media promotion, being shot in Sydney.
space guitarist
Space Guitarist
239. December 2020
Acting Band Member
A parody music video (burlesque) set in the Star Wars universe and shot on the Central NSW coast featured Andrew Vial as a backing band member.
Josef and Andrew
Josef and Andrew
238. December 2020
'Afterlife Digital''
Andrew Vial had a small part in Joelle Snono's film 'Afterlife Digital' which starred Josef Schnieder and Kat Johnson.
237. December 2020
'The Hotel'
A comicbook film production by William Wong starred Andrew Vial as a traveller who stumbled unwittingly into a hotel staffed by cockroaches who poison their human guests.
236. November 2020
'Le Sillage' - Student Film
A middle-aged man and woman with an unhappy marriage argue in a cinema.
Thirty years later the man now a widower, played by Andrew Vial, breaks down and cries because of his memories.
tesse group
Tesse group
235. November 2020
Tesse Music Premiere
'My Madeline' video was released live on YouTube.
Andrew Vial was an actor and singer in the chorus.
234. November 2020
'Perfect Move'
Andrew Vial featured as a Pontiff facing an assassination plot in a film shot at Cockatoo Island, Sydney.
The star is Rhea Zhang who organises his escape.
233. November 2020
Andrew Vial played a distraught father searching for his missing son in the film 'Hippocampus' which featured many memory scenes and surreal dream sequences.
restaurant scene
Restaurant Scene
232. October 2020
'Lime Cordiale' Video
Andrew Vial acted in 'Lime Cordiale - Reality Check Please' as a restaurant patron and group dance performer.
improv acting
Improv acting
231. October 2020
Australian Directors Guild
Andrew Vial was chosen as one of six actors to work remotely with elite film directors in a program for the Australian Directors Guild.
The broadcast was produced by the AFTRS.
director and actors
Director and actors
230. October 2020
'Table For Two'
A film about the meeting of a famous old author (Andrew Vial) and a young student was made with Max Mayer-Rayment as the student.
The Bayview Tavern in Gladesville and the Exchange Hotel, Balmain were used for interior and exterior scenes.

229. September 2020
Flexible Age Care Services
To promote help for disabled and old people during Covid 19 pandemic, a video was produced with Andrew Vial acting as a model recipient.
wrap shot
Wrap shot
228. September 2020
'Dilemma' Music Shoot
Ambient Book Club Band used Andrew Vial acting for the release of their song 'Dilemma'.
The production was shot at the iconic Red Rattler, in Sydney.
227. September 2020
'Song Boy'
As part of his characterisation of Reverend Peter - an Anglican Minister, Andrew Vial gave a Palm Sunday sermon. The film 'Song Boy' was written and directed by Ethan Price.
226. August 2020
Acting in dementia film
In a tribute to his mother who died in her mid-nineties, Andrew Vial acted in a film entitled 'Heartbreaking Journey Dementia' produced by Rophe Films.
225. August 2020
Automatic Dialogue Replacement
Andrew Vial was commisioned to perform studio re-voicing (ADR), on a film about professional fishermen. This film originally suffered from poor sound quality.
village life
Village life
224. July 2020
'Ropes and Stones'
This tale from the 18th Century of alleged witchery and murder was shot in Sydney bushland starring the actress Bedilia.
Andrew Vial played a witness to the violent and treacherous conclusion.
World Citizen cast
223. July 2020
'World Citizen' - A Love Story
This film, shot in Australia was directed remotely by Jullian Prassumiwi in Indonesia while waiting to return to Australia during Covid '19 restrictions.
Andrew Vial played the father of the bride.
record store
Record store
222. July 2020
'Dead Heading' Movie
A film about the end of an era of record shops was produced in Sydney. Andrew Vial acted the part of a fellow shop owner interested in taking on a new business.
Richard Tonkin played the part of the shop seller.
221. July 2020
'Elder Abuse' Information
Andrew Vial was commisioned to act in a film about elder abuse.
He played the part of a person suffering in a domestic situation.
brown note victim
Brown note victim
220. June 2020
'Brown Note'
Andrew Vial was the actor in a Californian comedic film about a mysterious sound, called the 'Brown Note'.
It was written by Louie Gallagher, and produced by TH Epress Films.
Actors in Georgia
Actors in Georgia
219. June 2020
Triage Hostage - Live Stream
'Triage Hostage' produced and directed by Andrew Vial at Batumi Art University, Georgia was shown at Kino Sydney Live #150. Andrew also streamed a video explaining the production methods used.
dead dad
Dead Dad
218. March 2020
Comedic Horror Film
'Coffin Run' written and directed by Alex Robinson was shot at locations around Sydney.
It starred Andrew Vial as a ghost and 'dead dad' who haunts a delusional and psychotic son.
studio set
Studio Set
217. February 2020
AFTRS Podcast
Andrew Vial played the part of a concerned train traveller in a podcast produced by Jenna D'apice, entitled 'Refuge - Early Flight'.
amphitheatre stage
Amphitheatre Stage
216. January 2020
Rajisthan Actors
Theatre actors studying at the drama department of Rajisthan Uni, in India, demonstrated their amphitheatre stage and studio space, where they have given many public performances.
family dinner
Family Dinner
215. January 2020
'The Lumberjack' - Shoot
Andrew Vial played 'Herman', a Lumberjack patriarch in a film shot in the Snowy/Nimitabel area of NSW.
Actor Jay Kallaway played his son 'Solomon' and Melissa Haydee played the grand-daughter 'Madeline'.
coproduction plan
Coproduction Plan
214. January 2020
Chinese Feature Pre-Prod Discussions
A Chinese productiuon company approached Andrew Vial to discuss the coproduction of a touristic feature film involving Australia, Sri Lanka, China and India.
film market
Film Market
213. January 2020
Indian Invitation as Special Guest
Andrew Vial attended JIFF 2020 as an international guest and as expert filmmaker panelist of Jaipur Film Market 2020.
PO Box 300 Crows Nest NSW Australia 1585  ph: +61 2 9922 3297  mb: +61 411 113 297